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Meet the Moms

Allow us to introduce ourselves, we are Moms Resist.


We are a grassroots movement, started by a group of passionate moms, for moms.

Moms Resist began with a single goal, to defend and protect our children against injustices related to healthcare, education, and parental consent.

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We believe all mother's can embrace who they are,
can define the future for their children, and together,

we can change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Why are we doing this?

With the pandemic came a power shift, and we recognized we need to stand up against a tyrannical government who was overstepping their authority.


With lockdowns, restrictions and new changes being pushed that affect our healthcare and educational system, there’s never been a better time to take action and protect our children’s future.

Our movement aims to gather and mobilize women and mothers who recognize the need to defend the rights and freedoms of our children, who otherwise are voiceless against issues like indoctrination, vaccine mandates, removal of parental consent, sexualization and school curriculums.

Join us in coming together through localized community events, protests and initiatives so we can ensure a brighter future for our children.


DM us to see how you can get involved today.


Our Founder

Hello, my name is Monique Mackay and you may know me as Independent Journalism on instagram.


Thank you for visiting this site, my co-founders and I are so grateful that you are looking for ways to stand together and do what's right for our children and to bring justice to those who aimed to destroy us.


Our vision is to connect mothers around the world and create an unstoppable force and movement aimed to empower our children through truth and protection. Our community will ensure a healthy and safe future for children of the world. 

Monique Mackay

Support Our Cause Wherever You Are!

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